Thursday, July 21, 2011

How To Spend a Sunny Afternoon

That's my quilting buddy showing off her freshly pieced and pressed quilt at class Tuesday night.  The sunshine yesterday afternoon made it difficult to get good photos of my quilting progress.  I also finished piecing the top in class and yesterday I pinned it to the backing and batting.  Apparently I shouldn't have cut these down to the size of the top, but oh well.  I'll make it work..

I checked out a bunch of books on knitting, quilting, and sewing yesterday, and perused them while enjoying one of my favorite beverages (strawberry milk).

For dinner, it was what I'm calling "Turkish Nachos"--toasted pita chips covered in tomato sauce, Greek yogurt, lamb meatballs, and sprinkled with pine nuts.  So tasty.

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