Yesterday I mustered up the strength to tear apart the muslin and start working on the gray dress again. After all the work put into sewing the muslin and making it fit, it was bittersweet having to rip it apart. But sometimes to move two steps forward, we have to take one step back.
I'm using a light cotton as my underlining. It's more structured but also much lighter than the gray suiting, so I think it will work out.
Transferring seam lines again.
Then onto the gray. I gave it a good steaming and laid it out on the living room floor. (After sweeping, of course.) I carefully measured the distance between the grain lines and selvages, making sure they were parallel.
Finally cutting out the gray suiting.
The next task is basting. I'm hand basting the underlining to the gray along the seam lines using a yellow silk thread. (The somewhat slippery silk thread will be easier to remove later.) This combines the two fabrics into a hybrid fabric, while also transferring the seam line marks to the other side and allowing for tactile matching of seams.
After this is done, I will hand baste the entire dress together. All of this may sound like tedious work, but as a crocheter/knitter/embroiderer, I actually find the hand sewing very relaxing. (Quite frankly, sewing machines stress me out.)